Cross over without carry over! CROSS-OVER? TO Where Exactly? That sounds nice, really nice! That will make a good line for spoken words, poems, motivations and so on but in reality, it makes just a little or no sense. Whatever you have not been able to address this year will follow you into next year. And please, carryover is not a bad thing to some sort. The debts you ran into this year and never settled it will follow you into next year no matter how you prayed! The clothes you didn’t wash on 31st night won’t suddenly appear neat on 1st January. There is no single difference between the new year and the old year just that you are reminded that time is passing! It is the same air, the same atmosphere, the same issues… Nothing changes except what you choose to change. It is better to carry over things and really solve them next year than thinking you’d run away from it because you spent a few hours in Church on 31st night. The only thing about the New Year is the change of number,...