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Our Role During this isolated time By Abdul-kareem Yusuf Opeyemi ( irreducible Eminen t) #NIGERIA

        Monroe County records another COVID-19 death; total now 10 | WXXI News
                                  Covid-19 | New Scientist     
Normal life duration has come to almost describe as standstill , as a result of the Covid-19  pandemic in Nigeria.
Research institutions around the world brace for a surge in Covid-19 cases and consider her staffs and students role in slowing the virus spread.
Almost all university across the globe remain closed, access to the lab os restricted, final year project has been mothball.
Many countries have now closed schools as part of the efforts to slow the spread of Covid-19 leaving parent to juggle the day to day job and the role of a teacher.
However some might see this additional family time as opportunity to teach student skills they don't learn at school, and only gets to grips with an adult, has parent have to model a sense of hope and positivity as hard as that is.
The world is wildly connected as we'll like to remember this one when it suit us_ when talking of connection i am neither talking about connect in technology nor global nature of business, but we are obviously all connected physically, too, as evidence look at the speed rate of this Corona Virus disease around the globe.
To think of countries where fundamentally separate from each other is fundamentally flawed
Once we internalize this, we'll probably be better off, both psychologically and in our ability to plan for future, endemics, epidemics and pandemics.
This is a time when we need to  be online with our families a lot, this is also very important in term of acquiring theories and further practical Skills that teach us how to navigate that world safely
This time for isolation, we should properly use our digital skills altruistically, to connect with the wider communities or even entrepreneurially
                                       .Weekly global economic update | Deloitte Insights
As i said earlier to prepare for the future outbreaks, we need to get ourselves ready for it, as the pandemic caught italy by surprise, almost large scale terror attack
In school of war they teach you to get prepare for War even if the there is no enemy YET.
To the goverment this is the time you know your budget on helth is very low, i was reading an article on one of my country well recognised Newspaper where an analyst gives the breakdown of what percentage is estimate for each citizen which was approximatly #2000 Two thousand naira per citizen, the government and amend that bad from your sides
Everyone should pick theirsand amend your mistakes 
                                          I REST MY PEN
FROM: ABDUL-KAREEM, Yusuf Opeyemi (Irreducible Eminent)


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